From the Desk of Paul:

We made it!  Well, almost…it is December now. Wow, it’s hard to believe that’s true, but it is!  Thanksgiving has come and gone and most of us were just thankful that this dreadful year is almost over.  Now we busy ourselves preparing for what will be undoubtedly one of our strangest Christmas seasons ever.  Many of us have altered almost every facet of our lives over the last 8 months to make the best of a year that will be marred in historical counts of a world-wide pandemic, amongst other things. We work from home, shop from home, and perhaps even visit family and friends from home…sort of.  Have you thought about gifts for your employees and co-workers yet?  Let me share with you what could quite possibly be the greatest gift you can give this year…and it won’t cost you a dime!

Before I share with you my great gift idea, let’s put a little context to this subject.  In the past eight months, we have all dealt with a pandemic that has, in many cases, taken the lives of loved ones and threatened the lives of others.  We’ve been isolated by work from home, shop from home, closure or restricted access to our places of leisure and relaxation.  Many of us have dealt with the loss of employment, income, and even wondered how we would financially survive. Here in the U.S., we’ve dealt with social unrest unlike any other period in our lives.  We are still living through an ugly election that has been incredibly divisive and more polarizing than any we have ever experienced.  At times, it seems that the whole world is falling apart.  All of this may result in a seemingly insurmountable level of fear and unrest for your employees and co-workers.  Which brings me back to that topic of a gift that I mentioned before.  This season, you have the opportunity to give the most impactful gift ever – hope.  You see, the greatest opposition to fear and unrest is HOPE!  How do you do that?  Give your time and attention to those who need it.  Listen with empathy and offer encouragement.  Whether we are in the business of manufacturing, healthcare, retail or even providing IT services, nothing we do occupationally is more important than caring for our fellow human beings!  I once read that many of the survivors of Holocaust had something in common: rather than focusing all their strength and energy on their own pain and circumstances, they found passion and purpose in caring for others in their pain and circumstances. I firmly believe that our greatest peace in our own circumstances, presents itself when most of our focus is on helping others in dealing with their circumstances.  This season, join me in doubling-down on our efforts to give others HOPE!

Paul Meadows,

December 2020 Blog